The Domestic Policy Council (DPC) drives the development and implementation of the President’s domestic policy agenda in the White House and across the Federal government, ensuring that domestic policy decisions and programs are consistent with the President’s stated goals, and are carried out for the American people.

President Biden has directed Neera Tanden, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, to lead a Domestic Policy Council system that brings  greater dignity, equity, opportunity, and prosperity to the everyday lives of Americans. Staffed by policy experts on a range of issues, the DPC will craft and implement policies on everything from education to health and immigration, along with cross-cutting issues that tackle the profound and multifaceted challenges and opportunities before us.

You can read the 1993 Executive Order that established the DPC here.

Domestic policy staff have existed in the White House since the 1960s. President Lyndon B. Johnson assigned a senior-level aide to organize staff and develop domestic policy. In 1970, President Richard M. Nixon issued an executive order that created the Office of Policy Development, a large White House office with jurisdiction over economic and domestic policy. President William J. Clinton split the office, forming the current Domestic Policy Council and the National Economic Council.

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